Well what can I bring you, well I have this design which I just made up playing around with shirt styles, I never made any shorts or socks because they were starting to become quite unimaginative so I kept to the shirt only for the model.

First up we have Beşiktaş J.K. current Turkish champions, and I haven't ventured into Turkish football yet so I thought they'd make an ideal model for the design.
I also realised that none of my striped kits had any stripes on the sleeves, not that I am allergic to them or anything just I never think to add them, so that is something I got to straight away. The bottom white line is a kind of deviant of the 2002 Nike design which had a line of different colour wrap around the back and stop on the front so I incorporated that and turned it into a more energizing shape almost giving the appearance of bull horns. The collar is a plain V-neck which I have used before on some other design I made but have added a couple of lines to add a bit of red into the design as a plain black and white kit would be so boring, I also think it gives a classy not over complicated look.
I have place a decorated Turkish emblem on the left of the chest to signify them winning the league title and the word 'SAMPIYON' (Champion) underneath, with Beşiktaş' two stars above symbolizing the former league victories.
As an after thought to make the kit more unique and special I decided to make a stylized version of Beşiktaş' İnönü Stadium as it is the last year they will play there before they move to their new modern stadium, on the stands are wrote 'Stadyumu İnönü' and on the other side it says 'Kara Kartallar' which is the team's nickname and means Black Eagles in English. The stars over the stadium represent the 11 players on the pitch with a special large on in the middle with a 12 of course denoting the fans as the 12th man. The pitch contains the clubs initials BJK in an ornamented fashion with the founding date of 1903 in the stand under the large star.